International Exhibition on Tropical Disease Emergencies, and Carcinogenesis; Challenges and Controversies

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Conference Description

Over the past 6 years, there have been a growing trend in spread of a number of Tropical and infectious diseases across developing and developed countries. There are indications that a surge in chronic diseases including cancer cases follows similar trends and path for these tropical diseases. There is also upsurge in some forms of preventable infectious diseases in certain geographical zones. This conference is aimed at providing scientists and healthcare workers, including doctoral and postdoctoral students, and those from industry evidence based updates that bring to a nutshell very important new approaches for intervention.
This event will feature presentations, educational workshops, case studies, evidence based practices to provide a comprehensive update is current and emerging issues in controlling and containing infectious diseases, including some current controversies in the field.

Dates , August 30th 2019; deadline for Registration

Start; Oct 7 to 11th 2019

Contact for details on bursary and registration